Comissão Europeia impôs multa equivalente a R$ 19 bilhões ao Google por abuso de posição dominante no licenciamento do sistema operacional Android. CEO da empresa afirma que modelo de negócio estimulou a inovação e que vai recorrer.

O Google recebeu mais uma multa bilionária da União Europeia. O bloco investiga os contratos de licenciamento do sistema móvel Android desde 2011 e concluiu que a empresa abusou do seu domínio de mercado para impor restrições a fabricantes de celulares e coibir o crescimento de concorrentes. A Comissão Europeia, braço Executivo da UE, impôs uma sanção de € 4,34 bilhões (cerca de R$ 19,4 bilhões) e ordenou a empresa a reformular todas as suas práticas de licenciamento do Android. A gigante digital vai recorrer.

A comissária de competição, Margrethe Vestager, responsável pelo processo, diz que o Google usou o Android para cimentar sua dominância no mercado de buscas digitais, negando a rivais a oportunidade de inovar ou competir. “Eles [Google] negaram ao consumidor europeu os benefícios de uma competição no mercado móvel. O que é ilegal pelas regras antitruste da União Europeia”, afirma.

A investigação concluiu que o Google obrigava fabricantes a pre-instalar seu mecanismo de busca e navegador (Chrome) nos aparelhos. Caso não o fizessem, ficariam proibidas de licenciar a loja de aplicativos Play Store, do Google. Também pagou para que grandes fabricantes e operadoras pré-instalassem exclusivamente seu buscador nos smartphones. E também impediu fabricantes de venderem smartphones com variações do Android que não as criadas ou aprovadas pela empresa. O fabricante que desejasse instalar uma versão própria do Android, ficava impedido de embarcar aplicativos do Google, ainda que a variação não afetasse a compatibilidade ou usabilidade.

Leia mais a respeito


Novo regulamento mantém a necessidade de homologação de acordos entre operadoras

A preocupação com seguidos conflitos entre prestadoras em contratos de interconexão levou o conselheiro Aníbal Diniz, relator do regulamento aprovado na semana passada na Anatel, a deixar mais claras as condições de interrupção ou suspensão do serviço na hipótese de inadimplência. Nesse caso, a Anatel não precisa ser consultada, mas apenas informada.

Mas o novo Regimento Geral de Interconexão (RGI) traz outras novidades, como a possibilidade de exigência da agência em ter acesso aos contratos entre prestadoras e empresas de serviço de valor adicionado, as OTTs por exemplo, quando houver conflito entre as partes. Além do mais, a norma simplifica definições e exigências, mas mantém a necessidade de homologação dos acordos de interconexão entre operadoras.

Para interrupção ou suspensão do serviço por inadimplência, a Anatel só exige que a prestadora inadimplente seja notificada, sendo que a suspensão não deve ocorrer em prazo inferior a 30 dias contados do recebimento da notificação. Quando a interrupção se dá em tráfego telefônico, as prestadoras envolvidas devem veicular comunicado quanto à suspensão do encaminhamento das chamadas, enquanto perdurar a suspensão.

Já a desmobilização dos ativos necessários ao provimento do serviço é facultada quando decorridos três meses da suspensão da interconexão por inadimplência continuada; da falta de tráfego por seis meses consecutivos; ou da rescisão do contrato por acordo entre as partes. Em todos esses casos, a Anatel deve ser informada.

As operadoras donas das redes poderão optar pela interrupção total ou parcial do tráfego telefônico, sempre no caso de inadimplência. A Anatel entende como suspensão total do provimento da interconexão para tráfego telefônico corresponde à interceptação de todas as chamadas entre as prestadoras envolvidas. Já a suspensão parcial do provimento da interconexão para tráfego telefônico corresponde à interceptação de todas as chamadas originadas na rede da prestadora inadimplente e destinadas à rede da prestadora credora. Ou seja, as ligações dos clientes das operadoras, mesmo que para números da devedora, serão completadas.


iPhone 9: Video shows off alleged iPhone 9, iPhone X Plus dummy models

A VIDEO SHOWING alleged dummy models of Apple’s 6.1in ‘iPhone 9’ and 6.5in ‘iPhone X Plus’ has surfaced online.

The video (below), sent to 9to5Mac by tipster @shaimizrachi who has shared accurate dummies for iPhones in the past, shows off the duo of incoming devices next to current iPhone models, including the flagship iPhone X.

Cases from accessory maker Sketch are also shown in the video, suggesting that case companies are already started making designs ahead of an official announcement from Apple in September. Probably, at least.

The iPhone 9, as expected, appears to have a single camera on its rear, adding weight to rumours that it’ll be Apple’s entry-level offering this year. Earlier rumours also point to a 6.1in LCD screen, with Apple opting against OLED in order to keep the cost of the handset low.

The iPhone X Plus appears to be the same size as the iPhone 7 Plus it’s stacked up against, despite packing a larger 6.5in screen. This is because Apple has ditched the large bezels seen on its Plus-sized model in favour of its notch-equipped, iPhone X design.

The audio-less video also appears to show a dual camera setup on the rear of the so-called iPhone X Plus, despite some rumours pointing to a Huawei P20-esque triple-camera setup.

Click to watch the video.


A crise enfrentada pelos caminhoneiros nasceu de lambanças dos governos Lula e Dilma

Uma “política contracíclica” fez com que o Brasil tenha muito mais caminhões do que o necessário

Ainda que pairem muitas dúvidas sobre a greve dos caminhoneiros que eclodiu no final de maio de 2018, há uma certeza: de fato a situação dos grevistas é complicada. Nas condições normais de temperatura e pressão, a alta dos combustíveis observada no governo Temer seria repassada aos contratantes, com fretes acompanhando a inflação. Mas, ainda que o diesel tenha enfrentado um aumento de 60% no intervalo de poucos meses, o valor da contratação de um veículo de carga seguiu estável nos dois anos anteriores. Como explicar a situação?


A lei da oferta e demanda é uma pista. Funciona de forma semelhante a um leilão: quando poucos interessados aparecem, o objeto a ser leiloado sai pela menor cotação. E um número excessivo de caminhões explicaria o porquê de o caminhoneiro brasileiro enfrentar uma forte depreciação do próprio trabalho.

O fenômeno de fato ocorreu. Conforme escreveu Samuel Pessôa, começou em 2009, ou logo após a Crise do Subprime americana. Para evitar que o estrago chegasse ao setor, o governo Lula passou a subsidiar a compra de veículos de carga por intermédio do BNDES. Mas os governos Lula e Dilma não interromperam a medida quando o Brasil retomou o crescimento logo em seguida. De lá até o presente, enquanto a frota de caminhões cresceu 40%, a economia cresceu apenas 11%.

Para completar, a pior recessão de todos os tempos (aquela do governo Dilma), e uma lenta retomada (esta do governo Temer), contribuíram para o caos. Em 2018, o tráfego de veículos pesados em estradas com pedágios estava 14% da abaixo do observado em fevereiro de 2014, pouco antes da reeleição da petista.


É claro que a privatização da Petrobras ajudará o país a evitar crises semelhantes no futuro e não deve sair do norte de uma boa gestão. Mas é preciso identificar onde o ocorreu o erro, para que não se repita.

Enquanto isso, os candidatos da esquerda seguem defendendo que o BNDES volte a ser sacado para subsídios imprudentes. Como este que gerou uma greve tão complicada de se resolver.

via A crise enfrentada pelos caminhoneiros nasceu de lambanças dos governos Lula e Dilma – Senso Incomum

Five Website Design Errors to Avoid Before a Website Launch

It will take me 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your site. And 94 out of 100 such decisions are design-based, as revealed in a Northumbria and Sheffield University research. Unquestionably, snap decisions define a good deal of online user behavior.

A website design is never complete. You have to debug and recheck regularly to keep it on target. However, some design mistakes can cause much harm to credibility and business, if not rectified before you launch your website.

User Experience (UX) Design Mistakes

As per KoMarketing usability report, 86% visitors want easy access to information about the products and services on a website. If need to know isn’t met with proper usability, your site’s reputation will suffer.

You must control the amount of information on each web page. They need to be in concise pockets, linked to other content/pages in a context.

Check for link repetition. Remove any broken ones. If there is a search bar, make sure that it produces adequate results. Make your home button readily seen. 36% of visitors try clicking on the website logo to get back.

If your site features microsites or subsites, ensure that the user has a way to get back to you. Don’t leave visitors stranded on an orphan page.

Lack of Clarity

If I click on a link labeled ‘Chicken Food’, do I land on a web page about ‘Food items for Chicken’ or ‘Food items made from Chicken’?

The purpose of an excellent design is to achieve clarity. It means lowering the cognitive load of a user when they’re trying to get through your web page.

Descriptive headings, visual hierarchy, fewer features with evident objectives are elements of a sharp design. However, avoid the following;

Inappropriate category names

Unexpected search results

Similar-sounding links

Barely visible prices or info

Unsorted content

Confusing/misleading navigation setup

Over-Simplicity in Design

If you give a user fifteen minutes to read through your web page content, two-thirds will prefer creative copies over plain information.

Flat designs are minimalist, painless to implement, direct, and easy on the eyes. But, if taken too far, they can lead to boring colors, basic text, handicapped usability, and a generic website.

There’s a fine line between the two outcomes.

The ultimate design goal is clarity. While simplification helps this objective, overdoing it may stifle creativity and reduce the visitor’s inspiration to stay.

Weak/Absent Responsive Design

Of the total time a person spends online, mobile users account for 71% in the USA & China, 61% in the UK, and 91% in Indonesia. 52% of them refuse to engage with companies whose websites exhibit poor optimization for small screens.

Responsive web page design allows flexible viewing, hassle-free, and quick usage.

It offers you easier analytic reports, lower bounce rates, enhanced conversion rates, and some cost-cutting. Also, 80% of mobile phone searches about local businesses convert.

While mobile-friendliness isn’t an official Google ranking factor for websites yet, it has become a crucial element when the search engines consider web pages’ efficiency.

Non-Scannable Text Organisation

HubSpot research reveals that 43% of visitors skim through the content. If it fails to seize their attention, they bounce.

Also, easily scannable content boosts readability by 47%. Needless to say, the visitor must be able to skim through your content, be it for a blog post or a web page.

Avoid long, cluttered paragraphs. Use bullets. Use the white space to your advantage. Use Bold and Italics with moderation.

You need winning section headers. Use subheadings. Aim for a bite-sized chunk of content. Using images and videos in context help by breaking your text. They help a user grab the point quickly.

Don’t Delay the Launch Chasing After the Perfect Website Design

Your site must appropriately emphasize its objective, be user-centric and detailed. If you find your web pages lacking in more than half of the factors I mentioned earlier, halt the launch and think about alterations.

However, there is no point chasing the most flawless look & feel. With times, audience accumulation, and overall purpose, new issues in web designing will always crop up.

Keep an eye on the trends while you try not to make common website mistakes, and you’ll witness decent results in no time.

Bonoboz is the full-service digital marketing company that enhances your online presence. Our services include Digital Marketing, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI/UX Web Design and Web + App Development. Recently we launched our new product Jambo which is an Enterprise Social Network & Community Management Platform.

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40 easy ways to make money quickly

by Owen Burek in Make Money

Updated 3 April 2018

On this page you’ll find all the best ways to make money in your spare time whilst at university based on our own experience. We’ll keep adding new ways to this page so go ahead and bookmark it. And please do share your own ideas in the comments!

1 No-risk matched betting

2 Hands down the quickest way to make a lot of money (well, without breaking the law). Lots of students have genuinely made £100s from this technique. It’s completely legal, risk free, tax free, and anyone can do it.
It works by taking advantage of free bets regularly offered by betting sites through ‘matching’ them at a betting exchange. Matched betting eliminates the risk (you are betting both for and against a certain outcome).
This leaves you being able to squeeze out the free bet, which can be as much as £200! Multiply this by how many betting sites there are and you can quite easily come away with a profit of a few hundred pounds.
Owen walks you through how to make your first £15 profit (using a real life example) in this gem of a guide to matched betting. If you know of any better way to make £30/hr sitting at home, please let us know!

3 Online surveys

Credit: Julio Marquez – Flickr

An increasingly popular way for students to make money is to fill out online surveys in their spare time. Research companies are always recruiting new members to answer surveys and test new products.
For a few minutes of form filling, you can make a couple of quid which is paid as cash or rewards. You can bag up to £3 ($5) for some surveys!
A few good ones to try are: TolunaVivatic, MySurvey, IPSOS, Global Test Market, The Opinion Panel, YouGovPanel Opinion, Pinecone, Valued Opinions, SurveyBods, PopulusLive, Hiving, PanelBaseBranded Surveys, Opinion OutpostHarris PollMind Mover, New Vista, iPoll.
Also sign up for Swagbucks which rewards you for surveys as well as simply surfing the web, watching videos and playing games.
Update: See our new full guide to the best paid online surveys!

5 Paid for searching the web
Interested in earning cash for doing what you already do online? This has to be one of the easiest methods of making money online without really any effort or change in your behavior.
This innovative idea by rewards you for searching in Google, Bing or Yahoo. You just install a simple add-on to your browser and when you conduct a search there may be a few sponsored results alongside your normal search.

6 Each Qmee result has a cash reward attached – if you are interested in it simply click on it and collect your reward.
The best thing is there is no minimum to cashout – our first one was just 72p wired to our Paypal account. You also have the option to donate it to charity.
Sign up now for free and start earning from your own searches! Click here to start.

7 Online market trading
Please be aware that CFDs are a leveraged product and can result in the loss of your entire capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Trading CFDs may not be suitable for you. Please ensure you fully understand the risks involved.
The historically hard-to-break world of investing in stock markets and currencies has been cracked wide open. Today there is no need to be a fat cat or fund the yachts of Wolf of Wall Street style stock brokers. You can do it all yourself with the help of online market trading platforms.
Having spent many hours researching this new opportunity, I’ve been experimenting with the two biggest platforms: Plus500 and Both offer free practice accounts.
Overall I prefer eToro with over 4.5 million users worldwide. It was recently featured in the BBC 2 documentary “Traders: Millions by the Minute” and the Financial Times.

8 One of the best things on eToro is the CopyTrader feature. This lets you literally see, follow and copy the investments of other top performing traders.
Follow George’s complete guide to trading on eToro to learn more. I think $200 is a good amount to get the most out of the learning curve by trying out a few different markets. If nothing else you’ll learn a great deal about various investments and industries.

9 Start your own website

10 Interested in generating passive income? You need a website. It’s THE way to make money while you sleep.
Starting a website with Bluehost takes less than 20 minutes, costs hardly anything and can be done by an 82 year-old. It only takes a bit of plugging on social media to get your first visitors, and there are plenty of ways to monetise your site.
Save the Student is just one example of a successful website, started at university by Owen Burek in his first year, which has since grown into a full-time and sizable enterprise.
Read Owen’s step-by-step guide on how to start a website in 20 minutes. It’s really one of the best assets you can have.

11 Review websites & apps for cash

12 Well it seems like you’re pretty nifty with a web browser, so perhaps it’s time to turn pro and browse websites as a paid and fun job!
Introducing – a new platform that pays everyday people to review all kinds of websites. Each review takes around 20 minutes and bags you $10 (£6.50) via Paypal.
Simply sign up here, complete a test review and look forward to receiving websites in your inbox.

13 The ‘Disney Vault’ secret

14 Credit: Walt Disney Pictures Inc.

To keep demand high across generations, Disney Studios carefully restrict the supply of some home release classics. They are locked away in the ‘vault’ for 8-10 years before being released for a short unspecified time.
Buy them in this window at normal retail price and you can turn a nice profit when they go off sale for another decade or so.
For example, in 2011 you could buy Beauty and the Beast on Blu-ray 3D for just £24.99. In just a couple of years it was on Amazon for a staggering £74.99!

15 Importantly, not all Disney releases are subject to the vault and only the true classics will maintain such demand.
Right now there are just 2 titles out of the vault which I would recommend snapping up. They are Bambi Diamond Edition Blu-ray and The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray.

>> Click here to see more.

Watch me build a sales funnel in 10 minutes!

Did you know that it costs McDonalds $1.91 in advertising to get you into the drive through…?
And when they sell you a burger for $2.09… they ONLY make $0.18… 😦
But… when they upsell you fries and a coke for $1.77 more… they make (and more importantly keep $1.32 profit)…
Yes, 8 times the profit of the initial sale!
Pretty cool, don’t you think?
But… what does that have to do with you?
Well, If you’re like most people who sell stuff online…
You setup a website, and you started selling your product…
But just like McDonalds… even if people are buying it…
After your advertising costs, you’re probably not left with enough to even cover your hosting bills. 😦
And that’s when you realize… that if you want to make it online, you can’t sell from a flat website…
You need to do what McDonalds did, and setup a sales funnel…
But instead of having people go through a drive-in window…
Online they go through a “capture page” where you can gather their contact information and follow up with them through email…
Then instead of selling them a burger, you have a sales page created to sell your initial product…
And while you’re probably not going to offer your customers fries and a coke…
You could upsell them on your other products and services.
This is what we call a “Sales Funnel”
Where website visitors can come in the top…
And cash comes out the bottom…
You have seen it work at McDonald’s, you have seen it work on Amazon… and you KNOW it will work for you.
So, you decide to create your first sales funnel…
But after weeks of trial and error…
You ask yourself… WHY did it have to be so hard?
All you wanted to do was to sell your stuff online.
But instead you spent weeks (maybe months) playing with web builders, hiring designers and programmers BFEORE you ever made your first penny online.
And to us… well, that seemed kinda backwards.
Shouldn’t there be an easy way to create high converting marketing funnels, without having to hire an entire staff?
We thought so, and that’s why we created ClickFunnels – a simple way to easily create sales funnels that convert!
Want to see a quick demo to see how it works?
After you watch the video, you can get a FREE 2 week trial account here:
Check out the video, and let me know what you think.
P.S. – to be successful online, there are 2 essential tools that you HAVE to have… an email autoresponder, and Clickfunnels. Go see why ClickFunnels is awesome, and then get your free account here:

5G & LTE Latin America

April 24-26, 2018
Americas Ballroom, Convention Center at Windsor Oceanico Building,
Rio de Janeiro – Brazil


The largest event in Latin America to focus on the opportunities and business implications of 4G and 5G networks


Join the communications community from all over Latin America to overcome market challenges and understand the evolution of 4G networks, the business implications of 5G and the way to change the game for true success of future networks. Act right now to become an important part of the 5G ecosystem, making the most out of new concepts and technologies such as IoT and NFV/SDN.

This year, 5G & LTE Latin America will build on the heritage of LTE Latin America and provide you the platform to share your views on how existing networks and services can be evolved to provide an improved quality of experience and generate additional revenues.

We are under way with planning for 5G Latin America and look forward to your contribution to this very important topic.

Revealer Card Visually Encrypts a Cryptocurrency Seed Phrase

A new startup called Revealer is on a mission to create sound backup solutions for cryptocurrency mnemonic phrases and seeds. Just recently the company launched its first product dubbed ‘Revealer Zero’ – a small card system that visually encrypts and decrypts digital currency seed phrases or any alpha-numerical secret.

Also read: German Cops Look Hard at Antics of ICO Savedroid After Ghost Prank

Revealer Zero Visually Encrypts a Cryptocurrency Seed Phrase

Revealer Zero is a new product created by Tiago Romagnani Silveira that allows users to print and store cryptocurrency backups in a visually encrypted manner. The secret can be decrypted optically “without a computer or any special knowledge,” explains the company. Basically, each Revealer has a unique code with 128 bits of entropy encoded in hex format, while the last three digits represent a checksum. Entropy is the ‘randomness’ found in a computer’s operating system which is utilized in many types of computational cryptography like creating public and private key pairs.

“The version number indicates the dimension of the revealer, the 128 bits of entropy are used as random seed to generate the noise that is encoded on the card — The checksum offers some protection against a typing mistake,” explains the company’s website.

Revealer Card Visually Encrypts a Cryptocurrency Seed Phrase

Decrypt the Secrets Without a Computer

Essentially the product offers a deep cold, two factor backup for any random alpha-numerical secret or cryptocurrency seed. Revealer is a one-time pad that offers 128 bits of entropy that’s based on a cryptographic scheme developed by the well-known cryptographers Moni Shamir and Adi Naor. The user simply uses the platform’s encryption dialogue box to encrypt a cryptocurrency seed with the ‘randomness’ derived from the host computer. Then the program visually obfuscates the secret with cryptographic scheme called ‘noise’ which can then be printed. The seed or special secret can be decrypted with the Revealer card and the protocol will also be able to be used with an Electrum Wallet plugin.

Revealer Card Visually Encrypts a Cryptocurrency Seed Phrase

Revealer says ‘aezeeds’ and ‘BIP 39 seeds’ that use more words, do fit on the cards, but font size is smaller and the software will adjust for character length. The product is a one-time solution meant to be used only once for the most optimal security, but the product does ship with two cards. The Revealer Zero encryption card sets costs €19.90 and the startup’s shop accepts BTC for payments.

Revealer Card Visually Encrypts a Cryptocurrency Seed Phrase

Raw Noise

The company also says that the firm’s product allows the user to encode the cards and the startup has virtually no access to the cryptographic paired secrets. In the frequently asked questions section, a question states: “But why should I trust you?”

“You shouldn’t, please don’t — Even if we were malicious, or compromised, we don’t know your secrets,” Revealer emphasizes.

We send you raw noise, encoded in a card. You generate your secret and encrypt it for the card on your own computer. Ultimately you add noise to your otherwise exposed backup with a Revealer.

Revealer Zero is an interesting concept for those looking to secure their cryptocurrency-based mnemonic phrases. also recently reportedon another product called Safewords; a distributed backup system that secures digital asset seeds in a unique fashion.

What do you think about the Revealer Zero product? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Disclaimer: does not endorse this new product/service. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the mentioned company or any of its affiliates or services. and the author are not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter, Youtube, and



Yes, You Can Buy Your World Cup Ticket with Bitcoin

Russian crypto-media have asked a meaningful question – why World Cup tickets can’t be bought with cryptocurrency. Credit card payments and bank transfers are currently accepted, but are they an option for every fan who wants to go to the stadium? And, is it really impossible to get a ticket with your bitcoin?

Also read: Russian Hotels to Surprise World Cup Fans with Bitcoin Payments

“Dear FIFA, Why?”

Yes, You Can Buy Your World Cup Ticket with BitcoinDespite the growing popularity of both cryptocurrencies and football, in Russia and around the world, it’s been said that it’s currently impossible to buy a ticket for the Mundial with bitcoin… or is it? Less than two months before the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, crypto/football fans want to know if spending digital coins is something they can do in the host country, the Russian Federation.

Almost 1.7 million tickets have been sold so far, the Organizing Committee announced a couple of weeks ago, after completing the second stage of the ticket sale. Tickets will be available again on April 18, when the last phase of the online sale is scheduled to start. From May 1, the remaining tickets will also be available at designated FIFA Venue Ticketing Centers.

Football fans from dozens of countries will visit Russia for the 21st FIFA World Cup which will take place from June 14 to July 15. They all need to buy a ticket if they want to enjoy the atmosphere on any of the 12 stadiums that will host the matches. Officially tickets can be purchased online with a Visa, the official partner of the World Cup, with other payment cards, and through a bank transfer.

Yes, You Can Buy Your World Cup Ticket with Bitcoin

Non-Russian residents can send international wires after they fill out a “ticket application form” that can be downloaded from Spectators are also required to obtain a special Fan ID to get access to the stadiums. According to the organizers, the document guarantees “comfort and safety” at the football venues and “free public transport” in the Russian cities.

A growing number of people around the world now prefer using cryptocurrencies for payments and cross-border money transfers. In countries with high inflation rates or under international sanctions, using bitcoin or another digital currency has become business as usual. For other nations, dealing with strict government control over bank transactions, international transfers may not be an option at all.

Generally speaking, “why not pay with crypto?” is a good question for mostly practical reasons. That’s why the Russian outlet Bitcrypto News recently asked both the Organizing Committee and FIFA why cryptocurrencies are not among the available payment options for the World Cup tickets. Of course, they never got an answer from the organizers. There is an answer, though, and, here it is…

When There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Rest assured, football fans and bitcoin enthusiasts! Your coins will be accepted in the Russian Federation, one way or another. When there is a will, there is a way, as the saying goes! Tickets, accommodation, exchange – there are plenty of opportunities to spend your cryptos!

If you are looking for a place to stay, a hotel chain in Kaliningrad takes bitcoin. Malina Apartments in the western Russian exclave will be happy to accept your cryptos. Need some Russian cash? No problem – a crypto change is now open in Moscow. Its rates are not what you’d get online, but hey, it’s a crypto exchange in the heart of a capital city. You’ll find the bureau close to one of Moscow’s main railroad stations, “Kursky Vokzal”. Certainly, these are not merely exceptions.

Want to get a football game ticket with bitcoin? Well, there is a solution, although FIFA doesn’t know about it yet. At least two companies are now offering services through cards issued by the leading international payment providers. Both can be used in Russia and on FIFA’s website, actually pretty much anywhere else, too.

Yes, You Can Buy Your World Cup Ticket with BitcoinIf you want to respect FIFA’s choice of sponsors, try Wirex. After a short veto, new Visa debit cards, with multiple currency accounts in GBP, EUR, USD, and of course BTC, are again available in Europe. Plastics have been issued already to customers in select countries, like the UK, as reported. Virtual cards are available in other markets, for example – Sweden.

“We are going to issue plastic cards in Europe in 4 weeks”, Wirex told one of the applicants a couple of days ago. Check availability on their website, but in any case you should be able to order and receive your prepaid Visa debit card in time for the Mundial.

Yes, You Can Buy Your World Cup Ticket with BitcoinAnd if you prefer the competition, check the Epayments website. They offer a Mastercard that you can fill up with your bitcoins. Bitcoin cash (BCH) is also accepted in their wallet, along with litecoin and ethereum. You can also load your card with fiat – dollars, euros, and even rubles are accepted through Yandex money and Qiwi accounts.

Epayments cards are also prepaid. By the way, the company does not hold custody of your cryptos, they are exchanged immediately. There is no service fee, if you spend 300 euros a month. For the World Cup trip, at least, that sounds like nothing. Check out the other fees before you order your card by signing up with your email. You can have it shipped for free. Delivery times for most countries are between 2 and 8 weeks, but there is also an express delivery option.

So, if you want to enjoy football and bitcoin at the same time, there you have it!

Do you think bitcoin needs permissions and approvals to be used as means of payment? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Coin Dance.

Do you agree with us that Bitcoin is the best invention since sliced bread? Thought so. That’s why we are building this online universe revolving around anything and everything Bitcoin. We have a store. And a forum. And a casino, a pool and real-time price statistics.